Pantone rainbow

By Ingrid Fetell Lee


A rainbow is a pretty easy path to joy. This one involved a fair amount of work, piecing together all the appropriate hues in Pantone swatches, but the “Wow” payoff was virtually guaranteed.

I find the wide view really extraordinary. It’s like a pixelated projection, a very clever play on the digital nature of a Pantone rainbow, almost like a Photoshop add-on. The rainbow is actually more materially tangible than a real rainbow, yet viewed this way has the same textural filminess, the same unreality. I know it began as an ad stunt, but for me there is a profound and subtle comment in here about tangibility in the crossover between the digital and analog worlds.


Photos: Wandaaaa
Via Core77

August 20th, 2009


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    Discussion (1 Comment)

  1. Lisa on August 21, 2009

    Cool! Makes me want to pull out my Pantone book, fan out the ‘pages’ and take a photo for myself!


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