The Aesthetics of Joy is going to be a book!

By Ingrid Fetell Lee

About a Book

I’m sure there are some of you who read the title of this post and thought, Duh! After all, The Aesthetics of Joy was an idea for a book even before it was a blog, and I’d never made a secret of that fact. But as the years went on, there were times when I wasn’t sure if it would really happen. (I’m sure there were times when you weren’t sure either 🙂

Well, I’m thrilled to share that The Aesthetics of Joy (working title) will be published by Little, Brown and Company in early 2018. This book is going to be the culmination of more than seven years of research into the way that our surroundings affect our emotions, offering the first real guide to creating joy in your life from the outside-in. You can read more about the book here!

As some of you know, I’m currently on sabbatical from my role at IDEO while I write the book. I’ve been traveling quite a bit doing research for the book, and have been lucky to meet a few of you on my travels. The most joyful thing for me about getting to write this book is the people I’m meeting, the new friends I’ve made, and the stories I’ve heard. And on that note, please consider this an invitation to share your stories. In particular, if you have a story about a celebration that was particularly joyful, I’d love to hear it in the comments, or via email at hello [at] aestheticsofjoy [dot] com.

Sign up for updates to stay in the loop about the book, which will also give you access to special bonuses before it launches!
September 30th, 2016


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