Joy in the news: 8/14/09

By Ingrid Fetell Lee

What’s happening in the world of joy this week…

Phish’s new album “Joy” will be released Sept. 8; Band announces a limited edition “Joy Box” containing 1o posters designed for each of the album’s 10 tracks and an entirely separate album called “Party Time” (Rolling Stone)

Statisticians are attempting to develop a “happiness index” using Twitter (Central Penn Business Journal)

Giddy with social networking glee, Coca-Cola has created its own abbreviated URL, a la tinyurl and Coke says: “Coke URL is just one way we’re making happiness easier to share.” (via Peter Feld)

New study shows happiness grows with age; apparently we get better at fighting off the cold-pricklies as we get older (US News & World Report)

Joyful music festival Woodstock celebrates its 40th anniversary this weekend, stoking the nostalgia of baby boomers everywhere

August 14th, 2009


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