New ways to get your joy

By Ingrid Fetell Lee


Funny how you can start a side project and get so absorbed in it that you forget to tell anyone about it. That’s kind of what happened with Aesthetics of Joy: A Field Guide. Awhile back I realized that I see so many joyful images on the web, and while I could post them all here on the blog, it might be nice to have a place where the visually inclined can just immerse in the joy and feel it. Kind of like a visual companion to the blog that is alive with color, pattern, texture, curves, symmetry. All that good stuff!

So, I started gathering up these joyful images — a mix of fashion, art, interiors, food, instagrams, and other genres — and posting them to a Tumblr page. Worth noting: it’s not a replacement for what happens here. Actually, if you’ve been a longtime reader you’ll notice that I am writing more than ever these days: every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, in fact! The field guide is a complement to what happens here, a visual respite and maybe a place to get lost for a little while. 

Also, for those of you who like getting updates on Facebook, I now have an Aesthetics of Joy Facebook page where you can get updates on posts as well as joyful videos and other fun stuff. Like the page to see these updates in your Facebook feed.

If you have feedback on any of these new experiments, I’d love to hear it. And as always, you can subscribe by email or RSS. And you can drop me a note to let me know what brings you joy. You might just see your idea in an upcoming post!

February 24th, 2016


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