Object of affection: Aurora pots

By Ingrid Fetell Lee

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This world has its share of accidental joys. Some are large, like the roadside misadventures of a UPS truck filled with industrial printer ink. Some are small, like balloon let go by its owner, floating up towards the clouds. These momentary surprises don’t change our lives, but they can divert our attention, reminding us of the magic in the world and calling us towards joy.

Designer Phil Cuttance seems to be a keen observer of small, accidental joys. He took inspiration from the bright swirl of oil in an urban puddle to create these Aurora Pots, which imprint the fleeting effect of oil on water on a series of hand-cast pots. Cuttance describes the process of creating the unique color effects:

A single drop of polish is dropped onto water. The beautiful, and usually momentary, slick that is created is then scooped off the water’s surface and onto the pot lid; each unique slick is captured permanently.

47 aurora pot 3 x landscape 1

These pots captivated me immediately, but the design begs a question: what is the point of making our transient experiences into permanent things? As humans we have this impulse to preserve, memorialize, capture our best moments, our most joyful happenings. But should we use objects in this way?

In Architecture of Happiness, Alain de Botton writes about a related impulse towards possession:

Endeavoring to purchase something we think beautiful may in fact be the most unimaginative way of dealing with the longing it excites in us, just as trying to sleep with someone may be the bluntest response to a feeling of love. What we seek, at the deepest level, is inwardly to resemble, rather than physically to possess, the objects and places that touch us through their beauty.

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It seems futile and naive to try to anchor our fleeting delights in objects, to pin them down in solid form. But balanced against that is the need for objects in our lives that remind us of life’s wonders, a need to bring these wonders into a place where our joy at their colors and shapes can be renewed at regular intervals. Seen this way, the Aurora Pots do have value. They also have the virtue of subtly changing with the light, so that they continue to be new to us day after day. In that sense, they defy their solid form and may become less like objects and more like a series of experiences.

What do you think? What is the value of creating objects that capture fleeting moments? Is it worth doing, or are we better off just experiencing them in the moment, and then letting them fly by?

47 aurora pot white 3 x lid half off landscape

Aurora Pots by Phil Cuttance available for purchase through the artist
Via: The Fox Is Black

February 27th, 2014


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    Discussion (1 Comment)

  1. Sherry Crowson on March 1, 2014

    I am for all kinds of beauty, all kinds of joy . . . you will still have both kinds, because you own a pot with a rainbow of color on the lid doesn’t mean the next time you see a similar rainbow in a puddle you will be less startled by it or less pleased with its beauty. The bubble lights you showed earlier . . . are wonderful, made me smile all day thinking about them, but they won’t decrease my joy in actual bubbles one little bit, I will have both experiences. Where will we get out inspiration for art and poetry if not in the joys of the world? Bring it on . . .bring on all kinds of joyful experiences, we are large enough to contain them all!!


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