Space is the place + Friday finds

By Ingrid Fetell Lee

Grand tour

All the good stuff this week seemed to come from outer space!

  • NASA continues to dazzle with their gorgeously designed posters advertising far-flung space travel. (Download printable versions here.)
  • If you haven’t seen the incredible new OK Go video filmed entirely in zero gravity, don’t waste another minute! It perfectly captures that weightless Friday feeling.
  • Aaaand more space: the confirmation of gravitational waves this week gave Einstein the joy of the ultimate “I told you so!” Gizmodo has a primer that will make you feel delightfully small.

And a few more things closer to Earth:

  • If you want to kindle the romance this weekend, turn on the tunes. Sound obvious, but an excellent new study from Sonos and Apple confirms that music sparks intimacy, with couples reporting 66% more sexy-time when music is playing. And not just that…

      When music is playing at home, people become physically closer. The average distance between household members decreased by 12% during the in-home study. In the U.S., housemates (usually family members), spent four and a half more hours together with music playing than without it. With music on, people were 33% more likely to cook together and 85% more likely to invite people over. They were 15% more likely to laugh together and 18% more likely to utter the words “I love you.”

    This study is full of gems, including that music decreases irritability, makes household chores more enjoyable, and even makes food taste better. Definitely worth a weekend read.

I’m escaping the frigid February temps in LA this weekend. Have a wonderful one and see you on the instagrams!




February 12th, 2016


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