Joyful jewelry: Calder’s necklaces

By Ingrid Fetell Lee
Calder Jewelry

Taking a momentary break from self-imposed writer’s isolation period because I could not resist sharing this. Did you know that joyful mobile-maker Alexander Calder also designed jewelry? Of course, he’s designed many joyful things, besides mobiles — his Circus for one, which was at the Whitney last year, and a variety of toys. But it was a delightful surprise to me to learn that he created about 1800 pieces of jewelry in his lifetime, many for his wife, Louisa.

I love the radiating gestures of the pieces — like a sun, stars, or fireworks. Also, isn’t it interesting how the image of Louisa’s dressing table (below) kind of looks like a mobile?

{via Birds of Ohio}

December 4th, 2009


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    Discussion (2 Comments)

  1. Lisa on December 5, 2009

    So beautiful.

  2. Jess on November 8, 2010

    Oh! I was also so so happy when I was researching Alexander Calder and found his jewellery!
    It’s amazing that it is so beautiful and was so quietly kept.


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