Technicolor landscapes

By Ingrid Fetell Lee

I’ve taken many plane rides before, but never seen a landscape quite like this. I recently stumbled upon this article showing Holland’s tulip fields from above. Can you believe there’s a landscape that actually looks like this? It’s like agricultural earth art. I had to dig up some more images for inspiration. Let’s hope all these April showers will bring us some, well, you know…

Images: livetowander, Daily Mail, powerfocusfotografie, Daily Mail, Samuel_Leo, _Darek, heavenuphere.

April 25th, 2010


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    Discussion (6 Comments)

  1. jen on April 26, 2010

    these are amazing!!

  2. Kelly on April 26, 2010

    Absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Diana on April 26, 2010

    I would just love to walk through, lay in, camp on, or fly over these places… whatever I can get.


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