Joyful art: Gerhard Richter’s painted photos

By Ingrid Fetell Lee


I love the spontaneity and texture of these paintings layered over photographs by Gerhard Richter. I h0pe they brighten your Friday and that you have a lovely, joyful weekend!

Xx Ingrid





October 2nd, 2009


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    Discussion (5 Comments)

  1. amanda blossom on April 19, 2010

    this. isnt. artwork. it just looks like you spilled paint on a picture and called it art. my 1 year old cousin can do that.

    1. Andrew Baron on March 30, 2013

      Good god woman…open your fucking mind and let go of your preconceptions of art. There is a reason why Gerhard Richter is a modern master.

  2. TRF on May 22, 2011

    @ amanda blossom – This. Is. Art. Looks wholly deliberate to me. The calculated colour and shape in the paint echoes items missing from the photograph.

  3. paidheckler on May 22, 2011

    the book florence has the most amazing work.


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