
Underneath the joy we find in a well-organized closet or a perfectly symmetrical seashell lie powerful principles of balance and rhythm, which together create a feeling of joyful harmony. Order in nature frequently suggests the presence of life, and is often associated with wellbeing and safety. The symmetrical shapes and geometric patterns of the harmony aesthetic combat a sense of disorder or chaos in the outer world, and enables the smooth flow of daily life, both physically and mentally.

ways to make any home feel like a summer home

9 ways to make any home feel like a summer home

How bold design can actually make your home calmer

How bold design can actually make your home calmer

What Makes a Home Feel Good?

What makes a home feel good?

What is cozy, really?

What is cozy, really?

10 Steps to a Fresh Start

What to do when you don’t see eye to eye on home design

The creative principles I live by

5 gifts to give your future self

Design a Home You Love is open! Enrollment closes April 25. Get the details here.
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